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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Focus on Faith To Build Your Home Business

You've heard these excuses before and no doubt have probably thought many of them yourself, "what if I fail?" “What if the company goes belly up?" "What if I run out of money?" or "what if I can't recruit?"   I too have heard these and many other excuses from people who undoubtedly wanted to start a home based business, but these many 'what ifs' always seemed to stop them from taking the next step.  I confess at certain times in my life and my business experience these all too familiar questions have tried to hinder my decisions as well.

Friend, believe it or not faith is required to do just about anything and that includes building a business from nothing.  You can call it what you like (I choose to call it faith), there is that certain element which gets you from point A, where you are thinking or dreaming about your home business to point B where you are actually planning and begin building it.  It is important to never forget that you really do not know where you will end up once you start. The risk factor comes into play as you will most assuredly spend money building your business as well as spend a tremendous amount of time.  For many, this is the reason why they never "start" in the first place.
 So how do you get to the place where you can stop asking all the questions and just do it?  Precisely, you just do it!  I know it sounds too simple, but really do you contemplate on cooking or eating your favorite meal or doing your favorite activity?  Do you say to yourself, what if I don’t like it or what if I burn it? Of course not; you do it because it is something that you desire to do.  The fact is, if you question every action you take in your life you will be one very unhappy person because that is not living!  At some time in your life you must be willing to take risks. 

If you are married, you took the risk to tell that special person you loved them and you took the risk of finally asking that person to marry you or saying yes when asked!  Never the less you took the risk and if you did not you would have given up ever being loved back or experienced the joy of being in an intimate married relationship. There was all kinds of risk involved there, but there was something else - - - faith!  You exercised faith in the unseen.  

When it comes to starting a home based business, find the one that is right for you and just do it.  Of course do your homework on the company and product.  After you’ve done your due diligence take the next step.  Don’t let the unknown stop you; take the leap of faith and see what happens.  You will be better for the experience even if it doesn’t work out.  The joy is in the journey not in the destination!

"Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Martin Luther King

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