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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Focus On Self Development to Keep Your Positive MIndset

Another thing I've recently learned about working from home is you can get very discouraged.  With the wrong attitude you will soon give up on working at all for that day, and if you don't have a clear goal in mind you may not go back the next day either.  If your motivation is only when the money is rolling in and suddenly disappears when your leads dry up it is past time to start learning some positive thinking techniques.  So self development is also a crucial part of your home based business building strategy.  In case you didn't realize it, this blog is really geared toward helping the home based business person, learn these self development skills.  I focus on positive thinking, because it is the one thing I know for sure that will work, plus it is a biblical concept, and I am a Christian after all.

Let me share this picture to your mindset today. Your business is like a crop or a vegetable garden.  Have you ever planted a garden?  There is a lot of preparation that goes into it - a lot of work.  You prepare your soil, pull weeds and plant your seeds. You water your garden, and take care to manage pests, and control weeds.  For those skilled at farming there may be even more things involved that I am missing. You exercise patience to see that garden or crop come to maturity, and then you finally reap the harvest of all of your work.  Farming is a long standing ancient art and tradition.  But few people today understand the patience of a farmer.  Just imagine if they were impatient to see those seeds pop through the soil - - they would daily be out there in the field disturbing the already prepared soil and by so doing destroy any progress that the little seedling is making. 

Recently my Pastor mentioned in his message to the flock that we live in a throw away society.  I've also heard it said that we live in the now generation.  Everyone wants immediate satisfaction, and if they do not get it they go somewhere else, dumping what they are doing to find something that will meet their "immediate need".  Let me just say that those people will never succeed in anything they set out to accomplish because they do not have the perseverence to see a project through to completion. Oh how we would be so much better off to have a little patience, like the farmer.  To grow, and tend and manage our home business, instead of giving up when we don't see results right away! 

Here's a thought for you that came my way today.  It lifted me up and helped my mind to stay on track. I really love this because it entails everything that I believe.  Our minds are also like fields of crops.  Let these words bring you encouragement to continue to build your home based business, even in hard times.  DON'T abandon your field of dreams!

The Strangest Secret


  1. Thank you for this encouragement Cynthia. I never would have thought of looking at it this way but it does make sense. I know I had moments here and there of feeling discouraged but I'd remind myself I need to keep going, need to keep focus because I want this. I like the example of the farmer. But over all, after reading your comments, it gives me something else to think about, having a positive mindset and patience.

  2. I'm glad it has helped you. I know it helps me. Thanks for the nice comment. Don't forget to pass this information on. We all could use the help.

  3. This is so true Cynthia, we must never give up, persevere through good and bad and success will follow.

  4. This is terrific Cynthia you need to share with our team. Thank you so very much. Cindy
