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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Has it been so long? Achievement Measured

It has been nearly 1 year since I began my journey, and I have not gotten sidetracked, but have been away on a separate journey.  I'm not partially back so I will resume this journey as often as I can.

I was so blessed to find this great treasure of positive affirmations and inspiration, I wanted to share. I have decided to, at least for a while post a few of these in every post.  This book is from 1965, not terribly old, but I was less than 10 years old when this book was published and so it will probably be found in the hallway of the ancient very soon.  

What's interesting to me about this book is that the thinking back in 1965 was so very different then today.  Have morals and principles changed so very much?  Back then God and country, going to church and the family were still important.  Today, people mention the idea of church and although it is fantastic for some(me for one), sadly it is definitely not the normal experience it use to be; what's sadder is that a whole generation of people don't even know that this use to be such a normal accepted happy thing. Now with so much misinformation and some unfortunate experiences, Christianity is for many seen as a lie and a fable; so sad. Strange how things change so much.

Be blessed!


Achievement Measured

Success is to be measured
not so much by the position that one has reached in life
as by the obstacles
which he has overcome while trying to succeed.

Booker T. Washington

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