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Friday, July 15, 2011

"See You At The Top" Journey

In Zig Ziglar's book "See You At The Top" which is more than just learning success in business, it's about learning success in life, he tells you to keep a journal of what you are learning as you go through the steps. It is important to note, that this is not just a good read but actual steps to take to change your thinking, from stinking to productive and successful.

I have embarked on a journey this last year, not only by starting a successful home business but also the development of a mindset that accompanies this success. You see I did not realize at the time, what I was embarking on, but there was a need in my life.  I was for year defined by my past.  I had a measure of success in my life, but I was still held by my past failures.  This is something to realize because every one has a past that if they have not overcome it, will limit their potential.  

19 years ago, I gave my life fully to the Lord Jesus Christ and had a real and life changing experience which started with repentance and baptism but is still going on.  I had a wonderful pastor at the time, who use to quote text from Zig Ziglar's book but I didn't realize it, and I certainly didn't feel up to it.  I had so many insecurities and fears, and I was suppose to have abundant life!  That was 19 years ago!  So much has changed in my life since then, my kids have grown, I was a single parent and I got off welfare, took some college courses and had a degree of success in the corporate world. But truth be told, I reach my "ceiling" in that corporate world and never made it past a certain level, even after 19 years.  I did however, venture to run 2 brick and mortar businesses during that time, still with only a degree of success.   

Out of those last 19 years the most important lesson I learned in business is that you have to try something, even if it fails. Failure is not really failure if you learn from the experience and try again!

So now here I am again, do to certain situations, building another home business, but this time, I'm learning so much more.  When I picked up this book "See You At The Top" by Zig Ziglar at the library, I had no idea what it was about.  I had heard people coin that phrase "See you at the top" so many times, via video and in their blog posts or on FaceBook.  I heard the name Zig Ziglar and assumed he was some network marketing genius or super salesman.  I assumed that the book was something to do with business, and so I decided to take a look thinking 'I need all the help I can get!' I'm so new to this network marketing industry. 

Looking at the cover I saw the words my pastor use to say "Check Up from the Neck Up", and "Stinkin Thinkin", Hmmmmmh., I thought, that is very interesting.  So, I read a little further. When I opened the first few pages I discovered that Zig Ziglar was a Christian, and that was a super-size PLUS in his favor so I kept reading.  I soon discovered that I needed this book of self discovery and development.  Not just for my business but so much more for my own state of mind. 

I've decided to post my discovery journal here.  I hope you will enjoy reading. 

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