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Friday, November 26, 2010

Focus On Core Values To Build Wealth

"There can only be one answer to life, to peace, to hope.  Teach me LORD to bow before Your throne.  You are the WAY, the Truth, the Life, there’s only one way, teach me LORD, to bow before Your throne." (Cynthia S ramblings 11/24/2010)

Core Values: To Know Who You Are

Honesty, Integrity, Family, Ethics, Morality Justice, Compassion, Love, Mercy, Hard Work, Balance, Health & Well-being, Holiness,  Righteousness, Purity, Humility, etc.
What are core values?  They are what makes you, your beliefs, your principles, what you stand for.  Without core values, you will be as one who is tossed about, swayed, easily beguiled, easily lead, basically a lifeless lump with no form or idea or imagination. 

Define your core values.  What is it that you believe or stand for?  Above is a list of core values.  Can you think of any others?  Do those above define you?

It wasn’t until I was old enough to know better that my core values came into play and began to define me.  As a young person, with relatively little discipline and knowledge I had very few values and they were not well defined to my “CORE” because I was in some areas easily swayed.  I consider my lack of values due to my lack of experience.  And thus, with age one grows in wisdom. 

Values differ. Yes this is true, sadly.  Unfortunately, it is a fact that even good criminals have core values.  Their values are vulgar, self serving, greedy, and will ultimately lead to destruction however, without them they would still be the lifeless lump. 

Where do values come from? There is a great and timeless saying “train up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old he will not depart.”   This is so true and although it is from the Bible, and meant to admonish parents to train their children in the ways of God, the principle applies for those who train up their child in the ways of the world as well.  Sadly, a worldly and selfish person learns to be worldly and selfish from their parents.  Even sadder is when a child has no one to raise them with any moral principles what-so-ever.  The life of that child is in grave danger unless he is able to grab onto something good in life. 

So we see that even without realizing it, we have been trained to think and value things a certain way from a very small age.  With age, as stated above, experience comes and wisdom.  You’ve heard the expression, “School of Hard Knocks?”  Experience teaches us life lessons, molding and shaping us.  If we have any good moral training at all, it will bring those things out of us, defining us even further, bringing our CORE VALUES into focus more and more.., if we let it.  

I guess there must be a disclaimer here as not all those who are as old as I have this same experience, the path is the same, but not all are on the path at the same time or is it that people will only learn when they are teachable?  So this is the disclaimer.  If you are seeking after wisdom, you will find it.  If you are not, your experience will do you no good, as you will continue to make the same mistakes over and over and thus fail to succeed at anything you endeavor to undertake.

In the coming sections I will explore these other areas that are important to maintaining FOCUS in business – Our focus being maintaining a right relationship with our Creator-Savior – God while building a successful business; running the RACE THAT IS SET BEFORE US, in the eternal, while building wealth.  This is the focus of this article and I hope that you will look forward and learn with me in days to come.

Focus on Core Values: to know who you are

Coming Posts
Need for vision: to create goal
Need for discipline: to obtain goal
Need for structure: to maintain goal
Need for rest & exercise: to maintain balance

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