When the winds of life try to blow you over. Get back up. When your dreams seem to have taken flight without you - - don't give up, be patient, they will come back to you. Take some time and reflect; remember true wealth and success is not a destination it is a journey. Here are some motivating thoughts to keep you focused on success in your home business.
Finding Joy

You'll never make it as a wander generality, you need to become a meaningful specificZig Ziglar
Getting Focused is not hard, staying focused isAnthony Galie
Persistence and passion are the ingredients you need to make dreams come true
Your personal reputation is the most important asset in achieving personal success.
William G. Margaritis
Don't wait for someone or something else to come along and provide your happiness. Ultimately, if you're taking actions to enrich your own life and live it to the max, it's best both for yourself and those around you.
Heidi Klum
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