There can only be one answer to life, to peace, to hope. Teach me LORD to bow before Your throne. You are the WAY, the Truth, the Life, there’s only one way, teach me LORD, to bow before Your throne. (Cynthia's ramblings 11/26/2010)
Focus On Vision: What is Your Goal?
A few months ago I took the business ethics pledge. I did this for a reason. I am solely committed to certain principles in my life and want to reflect that in all that I do. Life has a way of trying to pull us away from the things we hold most precious, and even when we are not meaning to, before we know it we have gone off course in our life and our values have taken a back seat. It really depends on what is most important to you, however, and truly some decisions or actions don't show their resulting consequence until much further down the road.

I'm not saying that money is bad, in fact it is not money that is evil but the "love of money is the root of all evil" (1 Tim 6:10. So in this walk to business success and wealth building we must remember what money is and what it is not. We must keep it in it's place. For when we keep it in its proper place, it will serve us - we will not serve it
In coming posts we will discuss the proper way to approach building wealth. For in any business whether brick and mortar or internet, proper steps must be taken to succeed and once success is obtained, proper steps must be taken to maintain that success. I hope you will join me.
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