Focus On Success is all about you and your business mindset. People start a home based business for many reasons, but when doing so, they don't realize that they have embarked on a journey - a journey toward learning the skills needed to succeed in business. Your own desire to succeed will determine your success. If you don't have the needed mindset, this will require you to change your thinking. This is why I created this blog.
"When you keep your eyes on the goal, the chances of reaching the goal are immeasurably better."
~ Zig Ziglar
Get a Fix on the Target...
See the Reaching...
"If you want to be a top salesperson, then see yourself as already being that top salesperson. By doing this, the unseen forces inside of you start 'putting it all together' and they propel you toward your destination."
~Zig Ziglar
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
~ Zig Ziglar
"Go as far as you can see and when you get there you'll always be able to see farther"
Positive Affirmation: Today I Am walking towards my Divine destiny. Whatever traits that I lack to accomplish my goals I now have. Whatever resources I need to accomplish my purpose in Life I now have. Wherever I Am weak I Am now strong and wherever I Am strong I Am now even stronger. Happiness is mine, Healing is mine, Success is mine! Day by day I get better in every way!
I have been learning about goal setting. I never knew that only 3% of people ever set goals. Why is this? I have always dreaded setting goals and I recently learned why. I was afraid of failure so I never pushed myself. I, along with most everyone else (except the 3% of people who set goals) fell into the routine, go to school, get a job. Where is the dream in that? Where is the ambition in that? Hey, we were never pushed to go to college even, why? I ask myself these things and I'm sad and angry but I have only myself to blame. I have so much catching up to do in this area folks and I feel like I am back in school! It's never too late and I am happy just the same.
Zig Ziglar made a remarkable statement when he said that you will never make it as a "wandering generality". You must be a "meaningful specific". Strange words, but actually they ring in my soul like never before. He also said that we must be "sold" on the idea of goal setting. Just like anything, we must see how important it is to our lives to desire to incorporate it into our lives.
I wish that someone would have sold me on the importance of goals earlier in my life. I vaguely remember being taught something about it in school, but I don't remember what grade. Obviously it didn't stick. I wonder what would happen if goal setting became as important to learning as the basics of reading, writing and math. Perhaps our world would be a much richer place, filled with people who had purpose and felt value. These days we are all just a bunch of hamburger flippers! I'm sorry, I am a little frustrated about this. Why is it only 3% of people ever set goals? I'm a half a century old and am now only learning this? HELLO!!!!! Anyone home???
In a prior post I touched on goal setting because I know it is an important part in being successful in any worthy endeavor. I will be touching on this subject more and more in coming posts.